Our area of research involves lidar sensing of the atmospheric
gases and aerosol sand detection of gaseous air pollutants by UV-VIS DOAS
methods. The following papers and reports describe these activities.
S.S.Khmelevtsov, V.A. Korshunov ,A.M. Vdovenkov. Ultraviolet Air
Path Gas Analyzer DOAS 4R. Optika atmosferi i okeana, t. 15, ¹11
(2002). Str. 998–1003.
V.A. Korshunov. Analysis of Optical Schematic of Open Air Path Gas
Analyzer with Angle Reflector. Opticheskii zhournal t.70, ¹6, 53-56
V.A. Korshunov, S.S. Khmelevtsov, D.I. Busygina, V.S. Khmelevtsov. Continuous
synchronous measurements of sulfur dioxide, formaldehyde, nitrogen dioxide and
ozone concentration by DOAS-4R at Obninsk in summer 2002.. .
(PDF, 110êÁ)
V.A. Korshunov, S.S. Khmelevtsov, D.I. Busygina, V.S. Khmelevtsov. Continuous
synchronous measurements of sulfur dioxide, formaldehyde, nitrogen dioxide and
ozone concentration by DOAS-4R at Obninsk in summer 2002.. Second
International DOAS Workshop in Heidelberg, Germany, 17-19 September 2003.
(PDF, 341kB)