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gases, polluted the atmosphere

company profile

Photonics Technology Obninsk   is a private company founded by a group of Russian scientists and engineers with extensive experience in atmospheric optics research, laser sounding of the atmosphere, optical and laser instruments design and implementation.

We specializes in design and implementation of commercial instruments for air pollution monitoring in cities and industrial areas, such as LIDARs for laser sensing of atmosheric ozone, aerosols, water vapor and others, and DOAS (Differential Optical  Absorption Spectroscopy) gas analyzers.

Employees - 10

Our scientists and engineers are highly skillful specialists in all aspects of instrumentation design and development, including optics, electronics, mechanics, hardware control and data processing software.

Our clients have been using our Lidar & DOAS instruments and services in:

  • USA (since 2008)
  • Lithunia (since 2006)
  • Poland(since 2006)
  • Vietnam(since 2006)
  • Italy (since 2005)
  • Romania (since 2005)
  • Spain, Canaries (since 2004)
  • Iran   (since 2003)
  • China(since 2000)
  • Portugal(since 2000)
  • South Korea (since 1995)
  • Kirgizia (since 1989)
  • Cuba (since 1987)
  • Byelorussia (since 1986)
  • Russia (since 1985)

We deliver at competitive price:

  • UV grade fused silica flats (up tp 30 cm)
  • corner cubes
  • spherical mirrors - 10 - 30cm
  • interference filters
  • lenses
  • fine stages
  • research UV arc lamps



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